This is Jonah wearing his "well are you going to throw that ball" expression.
Fetching a ball is his all time favourite activity, his other favourite activity at the moment is searching out the bathmat to sleep on, I tried giving him one of his own but for some reason he prefers the one we use, stepping on to a white bathmat with black dog hair attached is lovely!!!!
Thank you all for the good wishes for my back/neck, I do need to go back and see the doctor again and organise some physio. I do also need to do more exercise/stretching, that starts tomorrow.
I have managed a little spinning, a little knitting, xmas things I will post on Ravelry, my ID is yveca, stop by and say hi.
No sewing though and the weather has turned decidedly autumnal, too cold for a pretty dress, though I will try and sew it before my coat or it might never get done.
This is the first full week of school and as always rentree brings a bundle of paperwork, every year we have been here, we have been swamped and every year I vow to have it all organised and have nothing to rush around for.
You know, its never going to happen, every single time something comes back to bite me.
Jake forgot to hand his papers into school before the end of term, I discovered them when emptying his schoolbag, that was rush no1.
The school was moving building, not finished, no-one there till the day before school started, that was panic no1.
Jordan lost his wallet the 2nd day of school, it contained everything, bus card, bankcards for here and the UK, more paperwork, more photos, more photocopies.
To re-issue a bus card, I can understand the need for new photos but if a child already has one and their details are on the computer why do I need to renew the paperwork and have his birth certificate?
Rentree should be up there with moving house as the no1 most stressful thing to happen to you...........I need a holiday now to recover!
Knitting and spinning photos tomorrow....tchao
Cute dog, looks like he would hold that pose for a long time.
That is awful about losing the wallet. Your whole life could be in there.
Great pose on the pup. He is sweet....hope things calm down this coming week...hang in there.
Ask me about moving stress! I'm not surprised you have back pain.
You pooch is adorable. Throw the ball!
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