Friday, March 30, 2007

Camouflage and Pyjamas

Yesterday I did a little sewing, I did have to do it with two tissues stuffed up my nostrils, which does make drinking tea kind of hard, today I felt much better as did Jake, so he went to school and I went shopping and out for lunch.

This is a skirt for the princess, which the boys reckon she will love, I hope she does.

These jammies are for me as my very favourite ones, came apart recently and I was very sad, so these are nice cosy flannel and I am off to wear them now. Have a good weekend and I hope the sun shines, its peeing down right now!!!
p.s I am kind of worried about what yarn my colour challenged husband will bring back, so will keep you posted.......sshhh!


Twelfthknit said...

I wish I could sew like you. Actually, I just wish I could sew. India

Twelfthknit said...

I'm really sharp this morning - here's the link that I spoke about in my email - if you read my comments youwill see just how much I am challenged in the sewing department. But - I have cut out my pieces and am off to Remnant Kings as I can't find my dressmaker's carbon.