Saturday, January 19, 2008

A is for


This little piece of fibre was sent along with my order from Jeni, it spun up soo, sooo soft.

I am running way behind with everything, I spent the last week sick, with this horrible gastro virus. I have not been that ill for a very long time. The only good thing to come out of it was the little bit of weight that I lost.....

So the panto costumes are coming along with lots of help from Jamie, his new machine is pretty cool, I am a little jealous.

I did manage a little bit of knitting, I started these, with this handspun

and they are looking lovely, pics soon.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Its Panto Season

Christmas was a very quiet affair, New Year in Scotland was great, I got to meet up with some lovely people and spend some time doing things I love.
Like taking this mucky faced girl to the beach!

This is Nelly, she is Jonah's little sister and belongs to my Mum, she is a very sweet girl. This is Jonah sulking as he didn't like his xmas bow too much.....

We came back home with some horrible bugs so have spent the last week with 4 sick guys, I am avoiding everyone, as I am determined not to catch the various lurgies they are all carrying. I am not a very good nurse, I just want them to die quietly in their rooms, take the meds and get better soon.

We are in full panto mode, learning lines, oh no, you aren't, oh yes, you are, at least I am learning lines, not sure if Jordans are sticking in his head though.
We have done the undergarments for the costume, so far we have used a foam football and a foam rugby ball, you can use your imagination till I get pictures!

I finally finished the Christmas knitting, only a little late!

I haven't finished Jims birthday jumper though, I did show him all the parts so he now knows about it, so no more secret knitting, phew.

I am going to organise my wips and sort out what I am going to knit for me, very soon. And I have a couple of sewing projects to do once all the panto stuff is out the way, more soon.

Way before Christmas I signed up for the Pay it Forward on Heathers blog.
Here’s how it works. I will make and send a handmade gift (probably not knitting) to the first 3 people who leave a comment to this post on my blog requesting to join this PIF exchange. I will do this within the next 6 months.

And finally, a little spinning, this was my reward for doing all the laundry, a little spinning in between loads, well I had to have something, I hate holiday laundry. This is the bfl I dyed with the ladies from the french spinning forum, I have about 200m 2ply, drying, I think I will knit something for my friends birthday as it is very bright, pictures soon.